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Good Neighbor Vaccination Program is open to volunteers outside of the City of Detroit

Mayor Duggan announced on Wednesday, February 24th 2021 that the Good Neighbor Program is now open for people in the suburbs who are at least 55 years old AND can transport a senior citizen in Detroit to the TCF Center (formerly Cobo Hall) for a COVID-19 vaccination, can now also get a vaccination, too! People are signing up right and left - Rabbi Dorit is in contact with several churches in Detroit where she knows the pastors so they can contact their congregants.

If anyone receiving this email needs the vaccine and lives in Detroit and needs transportation - OR - lives in the suburbs(or Detroit, is at least 55 years old and can offer that transportation, plus wants a vaccination themselves (or not - the volunteer is not required to get the vaccination) - Please eMail Rabbi Dorit ASAP at so we can match people up.

February 8

DION Monthly Meeting - for February 2021

March 7

An Interfaith Service (via Zoom) from DION - Detroit Interfaith Outreach Network